Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Homemade Deodorant

For the past few months I've been on a quest to find a natural deodorant that doesn't make my armpits smell like rotten spinach or burn like the fires of Hades.

I've used every Toms stick out there. I have to re-apply constantly. And I stink by the end of the day either way. I've used Natural for Her powder. Smells okay initially but then I smell by noon and sweat like a man. Not exactly lady like. I've also used Body Bliss. My armpits felt like they were going to melt off it burned so bad!  Plus I smelled like rotten spinach. No joke. They gave me a sample of their more sensitive line. Doesn't burn near as bad but I have to re-apply all the time. The sensitive one has a more pleasant sent but my husband would tell me that I smell 'Earthy'. 

So, I've decided to go with a different approach...Homemade. This is perfect too for me because it lasts forever and it is super cheap too!
Here's the recipe I used.
1/4 cup of baking soda
1/4 cup of corn starch
6 tbsp of coconut oil
10 drops of lavender(whatever essential oil you like)
1 tsp of vitamin E oil

I put it on ONCE in the morning and didn't have to reapply ALL day! I did not smell even this morning! What?! That's right. I smelled like nothing! It was wonderful. I do want to warn you about possible burning if you cut yourself shaving. The next day, this happened to me. The burning eventually goes away. If it is too much to bare just put on some extra coconut oil with a touch of lavender. It help calm the burn for me. I've also heard that replacing baking soda with arrowroot is more sensitive on the skin. I have not tried this yet.
Happy Armpits to you and enjoy!

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